
We offer a comprehensive suite of solutions designed to protect your digital assets and data from evolving cyber threats. From Advanced Penetration Testing and 24/7 Security Operations to tailored Risk Management Strategies, our expert team is dedicated to fortifying your organization’s defenses and ensuring your peace of mind in the digital age.
Penetration Testing​

Simulated attacks to test your critical systems
for exploitable vulnerabilities

Continuous scanning and analysis of a computer system to ensure its security and integrity

Vulnerability Scanning

Assess the vulnerabilities within a network or system to enhance its security posture

Enabling efficient and flexible management of all of your IT resources

Cyber Insurance

A tailored policy designed to mitigate losses from cyber incidents

Help Desk Support​

Dedicated support team available via phone, email or chat for end users

24/7 Security Operations Center

Detect, analyze, respond to, and prevent cybersecurity incidents around the clock

Compliance Management

Ensuring that your organization adheres to regulatory guidelines and internal policies

E-Mail and DNS Monitoring

Continuous surveillance and analysis of email systems and Domain Name System records

Our Benefits

24/7/365 Service​

Ensuring continuous support, minimizing downtime and safeguarding your operations around the clock.

Fixed Pricing Model

Enhance budgeting accuracy and financial planning, allowing for more strategic resource allocation

Satisfaction Guarantee​

Offering peace of mind and ensuring that our services meet or exceed your expectations.

25+ Years of Experience​

Proven methodologies to navigate complex challenges and drive sustained success.


Boston, MA – Dundalk, Ireland


Hours of Operation:

Sun-Sat: 24/7 Support

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